There is a steady growth in the demand for sustainable products and services out of ecological necessity and social relevance. It has become necessary for companies to take the right decisions today to meet the growing demands of the future.
This process of transformation, down to a more responsible use of natural resources, presents huge challenges to companies, but by the same token holds enormous potential for stability and progress. The reason being that sustainability is (and shall be) the key driver of innovations and thus a critical factor in the competitiveness of companies.
As an interdisciplinary design agency we see ourselves as the catalysts of an ecologically motivated shift in thinking. We work together with customers to develop ecological and economically sustainable solutions at different levels so that the entire brand experience becomes more sustainable not just in part but holistically and across all the various touch points:
• development of sustainability strategies
• Sustainable Product Design
• development of circulable Product and service systems
• Packaging optimization & resource-saving packaging concepts
• information & interaction design for sustainable messages
• creation of sustainable visual images & corporate identities
• presentation of sustainability topics & Brands in space
Each company and every product and service genre presents different needs and, consequently, different options of mitigating adverse ecological effects. One needs, as far as possible, to identify all the relevant elements of a product and service offer and include them in the creative process in order to bring about a sustainable brand experience. To this end, our SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION TOOLBOX has various creative and at the same time systematic approaches and methods in store, for analysis and concept development:
• innovations workshop
• analysis of market environments
• Life cycle assessment (LCA)
• criteria matrix (Innovation/design/environment)
• material analysis & Scouting
The yellow design team’s skills in the area of sustainability are informed by the expertise of Prof. Günter Horntrich – Founder and Managing Director of yellow design | yellow lab.
His professorship at the Cologne/Köln International School of Design (KISD) in the teaching field of “Ecology and Design”, regularly held lectures and talks, seminars and workshops on “Sustainable Design” for and at various institutions and companies, as well as his long experience in the role of juror and chairman at many different international design contests (among others “Bundespreis ecodesign”) speak for his extensive knowledge and experience in wide-ranging disciplines relating to sustainability.